Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Four & Five

Day four: A habit you wish you didn't have.

Going to bed really late and (sometimes) not being able to get up in the morning and eating late at night...its no good.
Alright since that was bullshit and short I am combining it with number five too.

Day five: A picture of somewhere you have been.

Strawberry Fields in Central Park, New York City.

Kansas City, Missouri

I decided to post these two destinations because they are my most recent and definitely two of the most exciting and fun trips I've had..ever! New York was a dream come true, it was truly everything I had hoped for and more. I could definitely see myself living their one day, or at least somewhere on the east coast.
Kansas was not as shitty as I had anticipated. I thought it was a podunk town and basically just like any other city outside of Salt Lake, but I was wrong. It's actually quite lovely and as you can see from the picture it is famous for its water fountains.. is that the correct word? I can't remember, anyway I went there for Skills USA Nationals with two of my very best friends and the greatest teacher in the world soooo yeah, it was fun.


Thursday, November 25, 2010


A photo of you and your friends.

Ok.. That sums it up pretty well. I know I'm leaving some people out but you get the idea. I decided to post this on Thanksgiving because I am incredibly grateful for all of you and I am truly lucky to call you all my friends.
I love you all and I hope you know/believe I would gladly take a bullet for any of ya.
Happy Thanksgiving errbody!

Monday, November 22, 2010

two is better than one.

DAY 2.
The reasoning behind your blog name.

Well, "schwabieschwab" was a no brainier for me an account of "Schwabie" has been a nickname for nearly everyone in my family.. so yeah. And "Paint It Gold" just sounds pretty to me. I love gold, and I feel like if you were to paint something gold it would give it an elegant and glamorous sheen. Not that my blog is very high class.. But you get the idea. :)

ta ta for now!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Challenge I guesss?

Fifteen things:

  1. I want to go to the University of Utah next year, and live in a dorm.
  2. I request days off work to watch Jazz games and see dat one guy.
  3. I love hip-hop.
  4. I'm pretty sure I'm the tallest woman in my family EVER, and I am really only 5'7.
  5. I really enjoy men's arms..yeah.
  6. I am very optimistic in a very pessimistic kind of way. Or maybe the other way around... I dunno.
  7. I have the greatest friends. They've seriously ruined me for every other friend I'll ever have.. I don't know how anyone could be better then the one's a got. :)
  8. I really love dancing. My secret dream is to be a Utah Jazz dancer.. But I think I would be distracted by all the talented men and (again) their arms.
  9. I have large lips.
  10. I love movies, they're the best. And I seriously struggle with what I like more.. movies or music? I just don't know.
  11. I am a bit of a Facebook stalker. JUDGE ME!
  12. Chocolate soy milk is liquid gold. OHMYGODDD I love it so much.
  13. I love Conan O'Brien. No joke, if I could marry anyone without meeting them yet, I'd probably choose him.
  14. I have just discovered the sheer awesomeness that is The Body Shop and my god its amazing. Bath and Body Works can shove it up their vanilla scented butt.
  15. Food is better than errrthing.
And lastly... A recent picture of myself. Augh.

That is all! Bye!

Thursday, November 18, 2010


"I'm going to go far with charisma and skill until they put my face on a million dollar bill."

Lately I've been thinking almost constantly about my future.. I mean not that I didn't eighty percent of the time already but seriously every second. I think what sparked it was a conversation I had with my friends Dimitra and Ahmer. They asked me what I wanted to do with my life and I gave the usual answer "I have no idea (sad laughter)" and I then I decided to tell them my pretty out there dream and they were sooooo supportive. I mean, say what you will about Dimitra (as in she's kind of a flakemyster) but she is always so darn encouraging and helpful. Like they said, you have to follow your dream, because if happiness is the purpose of life then you can't think about money, or practicality or any of those reasons, if its something you want to do, you gotsta do it. And I need to remember that. In the end, I really do believe in myself.
and p.s. I am wicked excited for tonightt.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Annnnd scene.

I am SO DONE with you getting my hopes up. You obviously don't give two shits about us anymore so I have to stop believing you'll ever keep your promises.
I miss so dearly the person you used to be.

Aughh sorry about the rant, but I had to get that off my chest... :/

Monday, November 8, 2010

Oh hey guuuuys...

Alright so I haven't been doing that challenge thing.. like at all. I looked over it and I realized its suuuuper lame and that none of the information it tells you to provide does much for "getting to know me" so... I was hoping that my pal KRISTINA would send me the list to her challenge thing and I would do that one instead (because that one in actually pretttaaaay good). So HINT, HINT, DO IT!!! :)

Anyway, I don't have a whole lot to say.. Except these past few days have been quite lovely. :) Things have changed.. Well I don't even think that is the right word, more like things have progressed and it is just grand! :)
EEEEEEP! (: (:

Hahaha :) alright well before you projectile from viewing all these smileys I will bid you ado..

haha this one is for you, KB
Until next time!
gossip girl


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

day one

Photo of dis girl:

LOLLOLOLOL this picture makes me laugh every time I look at it. This was over a year ago during our homecoming activity and I look stoned and awful.. hahaha good times.

Anyway, now I have to talk about my day. What a great day to talk about..NOT.
Alright so I got up at nine thirty, went to math, came home watched 500 days of summer on HBO, watched the end of Dogtown and Z-Boys (love that movie) and pretty much sat on my ass for hours being cold and boring. Then around two I went to Smith's and got some lunch. Then my sister brought home the two dogs she is sitting and boy are they scary! They look like rats they are so small. Augh little dogs... I mean I love all dogs but little dogs are so strange! I don't get the appeal, they're like hyper cats. No bueno. Anyway, then I went to work which went by verrrry slow (and just so you know I am not the kind of person who complains about slow days, in fact I usually feel like everything goes by too fast actually so If I say its slow, its SLOOOOW) so yeah that was fine. But now I am here, writing in my god forsaken blog. :)
So that's all. And I am sorry all my typing is in the middle of the page.. I don't know how to set it back. :/
Oh and also, I may kid a lot but my life is usually not THIS boring everyday. I actually have myself a great deal of fun most days! :)
And in the words of a "good friend";

Monday, November 1, 2010